How to Preserve Your Wedding Bouquet


Your wedding bouquet is a beautiful symbol of your special day. But as time goes on, it’s natural for flowers to wilt and fade. If you want to preserve your wedding bouquet, there are several steps you can take to keep it looking beautiful for years to come. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of preserving your wedding bouquet so that you can cherish it for years to come.


Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life, and your wedding bouquet is a beautiful symbol of that special day. It’s no wonder that so many brides want to preserve their wedding bouquet to keep it as a cherished memento for years to come. But how do you go about preserving your bouquet? In this guide, we’ll show you how to preserve your wedding bouquet step by step.

Supplies You’ll Need

Before you get started, you’ll need to gather a few supplies. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A vase or container large enough to hold your bouquet
  • Silica gel or a drying agent like borax
  • A paintbrush
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon
  • A shadow box or picture frame (optional)

Step 1: Prepare Your Bouquet

The first step in preserving your wedding bouquet is to prepare it for drying. Start by removing any wilted or damaged flowers from your bouquet. Next, trim the stems of your flowers so that they are all roughly the same length. This will make it easier to arrange them in the vase.

Step 2: Arrange Your Bouquet

Once you have trimmed the stems of your flowers, arrange them in a vase filled with water. You can use a rubber band to hold the stems together if you need to. Make sure that the flowers are evenly spaced and that none of them are touching.

Step 3: Dry Your Bouquet

After you have arranged your bouquet, it’s time to dry it. You have two options here: air-drying or using a drying agent like silica gel or borax.

Option 1: Air-Drying

To air-dry your bouquet, simply hang it upside down in a warm, dry place, such as a closet or attic. Make sure that the bouquet is not touching anything and that there is plenty of air circulation. It can take up to three weeks for your bouquet to dry completely using this method.

Option 2: Using a Drying Agent

Using a drying agent like silica gel or borax is a faster and more effective way to dry your bouquet. To do this, pour a layer of silica gel or borax into the bottom of a container that is large enough to hold your bouquet. Then, use a paintbrush to carefully cover each flower with the drying agent. Make sure that each flower is completely covered.

Once all of your flowers are covered, carefully place them in the container, making sure that they are not touching. Cover the flowers completely with more silica gel or borax, making sure that they are completely covered.

Seal the container and let it sit for 5-7 days. When you open the container, your bouquet should be completely dry.

Step 4: Seal Your Bouquet

After your bouquet is dry, it’s time to seal it to protect it from moisture and dust. You can do this by spraying it with hairspray or a clear acrylic spray.

Step 5: Display Your Bouquet

Once your bouquet is sealed, you can display it in a shadow box or picture frame. This will help to protect it from dust and moisture and keep it looking beautiful for years to come.

To display your bouquet in a shadow box or picture frame, carefully arrange the flowers on a piece of acid-free paper. Then, place the paper and flowers inside the shadow box or picture frame. You can also add a ribbon or other decorative elements to the display to make it even more special.

Tips for Preserving Your Bouquet

  • Start the preservation process as soon as possible after your wedding to ensure that your bouquet looks its best.
  • Choose a drying method that works best for your bouquet and your schedule.
  • Use a drying agent like silica gel or borax for best results.
  • Make sure to seal your bouquet to protect it from moisture and dust.
  • Display your bouquet in a shadow box or picture frame to protect it from dust and moisture.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How long will my preserved bouquet last?

When properly preserved and stored, your wedding bouquet can last for many years. Some bouquets have been known to last up to 20 years or more.

2. Can I preserve my bouquet if it has already wilted?

Unfortunately, once your bouquet has started to wilt, it may be too late to preserve it. It’s best to start the preservation process as soon as possible after your wedding.

3. How much does it cost to preserve a wedding bouquet?

The cost of preserving your wedding bouquet will depend on the method you choose and whether you do it yourself or have it done professionally. DIY methods can be relatively inexpensive, while professional preservation services can cost several hundred dollars or more.

4. Can I use other types of drying agents besides silica gel and borax?

Yes, there are other types of drying agents that you can use to dry your wedding bouquet, such as sand or cornmeal. However, silica gel and borax are the most commonly used and effective drying agents.

5. Can I preserve my bouquet if it has been in water for a long time?

If your bouquet has been in water for an extended period of time, it may be difficult to preserve. The water can cause the flowers to become waterlogged and damaged, making them more difficult to preserve.

6. Can I preserve a bouquet that has already been pressed?

Yes, you can still preserve a bouquet that has been pressed. Simply follow the same steps as you would for a fresh bouquet, but skip the air-drying step.

7. Can I preserve just a few flowers from my bouquet instead of the whole thing?

Yes, you can choose to preserve just a few flowers from your bouquet instead of the whole thing. Simply follow the same steps, but arrange the individual flowers in a smaller container.

8. Can I use hairspray to seal my bouquet?

Yes, hairspray is a common and effective way to seal your preserved bouquet. Just make sure to use a light, even coat and allow it to dry completely before handling.

9. Can I preserve my bouquet if it has artificial flowers in it?

Yes, you can still preserve a bouquet that has artificial flowers in it. Simply follow the same steps, but skip the water and air-drying steps.

10. How should I store my preserved bouquet?

To keep your preserved bouquet looking beautiful, store it in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. You can also display it in a shadow box or picture frame to protect it from dust and moisture.

Your wedding bouquet is a beautiful symbol of your special day, and preserving it can help you cherish those memories for years to come. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your bouquet looks its best and remains a treasured keepsake for years to come. Whether you choose to display it in a shadow box or picture frame, or simply tuck it away in a safe place, your preserved bouquet will always hold a special place in your heart.

So take the time to preserve it properly and enjoy the memories it brings back every time you look at it. With the right supplies and a little bit of patience, you can easily preserve your wedding bouquet and keep it looking beautiful for years to come.

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